Monday, April 5, 2010

First Easter Sunday

I was disappointed when I read on the newspaper Saturday night that they canceled the traditional Easter Egg Hunt at the park. Their reason is it will rain according to the weather forecast. Yesterday morning, the first thing I did was to check the weather outside and guess what? It was 80F!! I was really upset because yesterday was Zac's first Easter Egg Hunt. So what did I do? I came up with an idea of having Easter Egg Hunt in our yard with Zac and his cousins :D

I got hungry at 2PM so I went to the pantry to check on what to cook. I saw Carrot Cake Mix. I told myself "Hmm, bunnies eat carrots and today is Easter Sunday so why not make Carrot Cake?" LOL! So I made Carrot Cake even though I know that I don't have enough icing (I forgot to buy more in the store :p) While putting the white icing on the cake, I remembered that there was still some cake decor letters left from my nephews's birthday cakes (yeah! they have the same birthdate). I decided to use them and of course, since some of the letters were used in my nephews's cakes, there were letters missing already. Instead of having "HAPPY EASTER ZAC" I put "HAPPY EAZTER Z4C' LOL! Here is the outcome of the cake I baked :D

After I baked the cake, I painted Easter eggs and started to hide them in the yard for the Egg Hunting. My nephews was happy because they found the eggs and they got Easter chocolates and some money. I also put bunny ears on Zac and took a pic of him. Here is his picture.

I learned something today. I learned that "Sometimes parents got to do what they got to do for their kids". We don't want Zac to miss his first Easter Egg Hunt so me and his daddy made this not to happen. I know that right now he don't care on what Easter Egg Hunt means but I hope someday, when he can able to understand and read this, I hope that he will appreciate what we did for him. We love you Zac - Daddy & Mommy

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