Monday, September 20, 2010

More toys for Zac!

My aunt in London who is basically Zac's grandma gave Zac money before we left Florida. So wWhat hubby and I did about the money is spend it in buying lotsa toys for Zac :D We bought educational toys that we think would teach Zac some things and enjoy at the same time. We bought 3 leap frog toys that teaches alphabet, numbers and shapes. We also bought this toy car where he could ride in and the same time you can convert this toy car into a walker which will help Zac learn how to walk.
Zac can stand now but he doesn't have the courage to take a step.

Zac seems happy with his new toys and we are glad to see that he enjoys playing them. Now what we need to buy is MORE rechargeable batteries.


  1. Zac is such a cutie little boy!!! Daming toys..

    Following you dear!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, he loves his new toys :)
