Sunday, August 1, 2010

Renal Ultrasound result

Ok, this post should be posted before the VCUG result but I just got the Renal Ultrasound result that is why this is late. This is the result of the kidney ultrasound:

INDICATIONS: Congenital Hydronephrosis


REPORT: Renal ultrasound was performed. The kidneys appear to be a of normal size. The right kidney measures 6.4 cm in length and the left kidney measures 6.6 cm. There is moderate left sided pelvocaliectasis has developed since 1/18/10. There is no evidence of right sided hydronephrosis. No renal masses are identified. Renal cortical echogenicity is normal.

A single of the urinary bladder was obtained which was unremarkable. The patient did immediately void and we were unable to asses for bilateral ureteral jets which can be an indicator of ureteral patency.

IMPRESSION: Moderate sided pelvocaliectasis which has developed since the prior study. Normal apperance of the right kidney. We were unable to asses for ureteral jets as described. One might consider a follow up intravenous pyelogram if there is a need to further evaluate a possible left sided obstruction.

So that was the result. You can't actually notice that Zac has a kidney problem because he acts like a normal kid. Yes, it says it was congenital which means he inherited it. I didn't had any kidney problem and so in my family so I asked my hubby, and according to him, kidney problem runs in his family. From his mom, to him and his two sisters. I just hope that his kidney problem will get solved so that he will be done with this ordeal.

I love him so much that sometimes it scare me on what will happen next.

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