Saturday, January 1, 2011

Zac and the trash can

I was in Zac's room this afternoon folding his clothes while he was walking around his room. I came into an idea of teaching him on how to throw trash in the trash can. I was happy though that he easily got the idea on how to do it. After few minutes, I continued folding his clothes and decided to turn the TV on. The thing is, I couldn't find the remote control. I looked under the bed and under the blanket but still couldn't find it. So I figured Zac got the controller. I asked him although I already knew that he can't talk and tell me where it is so I just continue looking for it and guess where I found it, in the trash can! lol! I found it there together with one of his toy, his clean diaper and his jacket. Now I can't stop him from throwing stuff in the trash bin lol! I so love him :)

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